Monday, May 26, 2014

Use of iPads in Chemistry Varies from Level to Level

Mole Calculations and Lewis Dot Structures in a First Level Chemistry Class

Up to this point I have tried to use the iPad in Organic Chemistry lab and 2nd semester General Chemistry Lecture and Lab.  My colleague Cheryl Shimazu has used the iPads in 1st semester General Chemistry.  This semester I decided to use them in my Preparatory Chemistry class.  I wanted to see how students in their first semester of chemistry, and some in their first year of college, would work with the iPads.  My plan was to reinforce mole calculations during lab time.  We have a lab in this class that we have been thinking about replacing for some time so I took the liberty of doing a different kind of "hands-on" experience.

Moles are one of the cornerstones of chemistry.  Up to this point in the semester students have mastered dimensional analysis with mostly familiar units.  But using the mole takes dimensional analysis to a whole new level.  If students can master moles then they will have a very high chance of succeeding in the rest of the calculations of chemistry.  But often students get stuck in the "mole hole."

I really want them to "master" the concept of moles and how to perform gram to mole and mole to mole and particle to mole calculations.  I think that if they are required to explain the concept they will have a chance for it to sink in deep.  So as I have many times I turned to the iPads and the app "Educreations" to give the students a chance to teach the world. Here are some links to their productions and then I will make some observations:

Student demonstration of mole calculation #1

Student demonstration of mole calculations #2

What I found was
that these students were much quicker at completing the assignment than the higher level students.  They worked hard but they did not seem to be as picky as my General Chemistry or Organic Chemistry students.  Generally my colleague and I have found that the lower the level the quicker the students are and more likely to take a risk.  They did not try to be as perfect as the upper students.  This of course has an up and a down side.  The up side was that they completed the task in enough time for me to assign them another task with the iPads.  In this same unit students are learning to draw Lewis dot structures.  In a 3 hour lab period the students were able to easily complete the two screencasts (mole calculation and Lewis dot).  My ultimate goal for the students was to have them explain the concept so that it would deepen their understanding.  I think this was accomplished.  Having the presentations be beautiful is secondary to me at this point.  So I am very pleased with the outcome.  The average grade on the exam (#2) was 86%.  The previous time I taught this class the average on this exam was 71%.  I cannot say it is a perfect comparison as the sample size is too small and there are too many variables, but the correlation is favorable to the use of iPads.  On the exam they have to perform calculations very similar to those they sreencasted. Here are some examples of the Lewis dot structure screencasts:

Student demonstration of Lewis dot structure #1

Student demonstration of Lewis dot structure #2

This was the only time we used iPads this last semester in this class.  But for me it may have been the most enjoyable use of iPads in the classroom so far.  The students seemed to enjoy the experience.  Here are some of their comments:

"It was a great way for me to listen to myself speak and correcting my terminology on the subject. Giving me a better understanding of what I was teaching but wasn't quite sure about."

"I felt this exercise helped me better understand the problem for the reason that I was explaining rather than being on the other end and listening. I greatly recommend this method of teaching."

"I feel like I'm in a school of the future"

"This app is pretty cool and helps you interact more with the lessons"

One thing I have learned from the last two semester is not to overuse the iPads.  I think last semester I used them too much and the students lost the joy of learning with the new technology.  With my Prep Chem. class this was definitely not the case.  Many asked, "When are we going to get to use the iPads again?"


  1. Very inspiring to see instructors who want to use technology in the classroom because they believe it will benefit the student and not to show off. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks Sophia! Using technology does not solve all of our problems, but it is a wonderful tool that makes learning fun and allows us to use our creativity, which I think is one of the highest and best forms of human activity. Thanks again for your comment.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more, if a student can clearly explain a concept that means they understand it, and I believe your method of using screencasts is effective, just look at how the average jumped - wow!

  4. What difference does it make if they can explain it on a screencast or they can solve it on paper?

    1. Trini,

      Thanks for your question. I will just give you my own personal experience. I majored in chemistry and worked hard doing all of the homework problems. But when I had to explain it to another student that was struggling it took my understanding to a much deeper level. Then when I became a teacher and had to learn to explain the concepts and/or problems to a group of students, not just understand them to pass a test, my own learning went deeper yet. So if I had the time I would have each student come up front to the board and explain a problem. I don't have the class time for this. But a screencast is the next best thing. Students are audibly speaking as well as physically writing. I think that using two different modes of expression (speaking and writing) is a significant difference from using only one mode of expression (writing). When the students listen to themselves they tell me that they catch errors that they make. Screencasting allows the student to listen to their own explanation. I find them being much more self-critical (in a healthy way). Lastly, my students tell me that since they are going to publish their screencast on a public website, they want it to be accurate so they work that much harder at getting it right. Those are generalizations, but I really think that screen casting helps cause deeper learning. It is not the answer to everything. Of course the next thing is to get some measurable data that supports that one way or the other. I hope that helps. Are you a teacher? If so where?
      Thanks again! Jeff

  5. Thank you for your reply!
    No not a teacher, but someone who had a professor who believed in the saying "you don't understand anything till you can explain it to your grandmother" mind you he actually brought his mother to class and gave us extra credit if we were able to explain a certain concept to her....crazy guy. We all failed miserably.
    Thanks for your time and good luck!
